Princess Cruisess 2018-2019 - Zuid-Amerika

2 BOOK NOW! Contact your travel agent | Visit /southamerica St. Kitts St. Thomas Barbados Antigua Martinique Ft. Lauderdale Trinidad Fortaleza Salvador Puerto Montt Cabo San Lucas Puerto Chacabuco Montevideo Puerto Madryn Rio de Janeiro ARGENTINA URUGUAY Buenos Aires Falkland Islands (Stanley) Punta Arenas Santiago (Valparaiso) Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) Cape Horn Scenic cruising UNITED STATES BRAZIL CHILE PERU ECUADOR COLOMBIA Amalia Glacier Scenic cruising Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean COSTA RICA La Serena (Coquimbo) Pisco (San Martin) Lima (Callao) Puntarenas San Juan del Sur Puerto Vallarta south america AMALIA GLACIER Extending as far south as Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magellan, witness the awe-inspiring channels and islands that make up the fjords of southern Chile’s Pacific Coast. Glide through this remote and dramatic landscape to experience the spectacular blue-hued peaks, rock formations and exciting wildlife. LIMA The colonial and modern-day capital of Peru, this coastal city is the third-most populous city in the Americas. Both historic and scenic, it is home to incredible cuisine, stunning colonial architecture and relaxing beaches. TRINIDAD Sometimes known as the Rainbow Island, Trinidad is an incredibly diverse destination with residents from all backgrounds and creeds calling its pristine shores home. It’s also the birthplace of steel pan and calypso music! PUNTARENAS This small port town is the gateway to other amazing sites in Costa Rica. From here, you can explore the country’s capital, San José, and journey into lush jungles or Poás Volcano. CAPE HORN The culmination of the Andes mountain range, Cape Horn is widely considered to be the southernmost tip of South America. Although nearly impossible to navigate in the 17th century, it was an important trade route from the 18th to 20th centuries until the opening of the Panama Canal. explore the region SANTIAGO The capital of Chile, Santiago is filled with museums, theaters, restaurants and cultural opportunities. The metropolitan area has about seven million inhabitants.